The Ironman New Zealand (including Bonita Ironman New Zealand ) is a year since 1985 in February or March held triathlon sports event on the Ironman distance (3.86 km swim, 180.2 km cycling, running 42.195 kilometers) in Taupo in New Zealand.
This live feed is in Taupo for the Ironman triathlon:
Great Lake Taupo Webcam
The New Zealander Cameron Brown was here eleven times at the start and was eight times gold and silver medal three times the reach. His compatriot Joanna Lawn can already look back on six wins. The Ironman New Zealand was 2006 weather-related reasons, only swimming distance on a shortened course will be held without the (90 km cycling and 21 km running).
In 2009, host 1300 athletes at the start of which could reach the 1275 goal. This Ironman was held in March 2010, the 26th already Time and place is to be the oldest qualifying race for a seat at the World Cup - the Hawaii Ironman . The starting signal for the Ironman here in 2010, the Prime Minister gave New Eland John Key , who also important for tourism wanted to emphasize it. After all participants were in the past 25 years, more than 50,000 and their teams to the Ironman to Taupo.